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Witchy Wonderment

Free stuff for you to check out. Samples of the offerings in the Monthly Magic and Crepuscular Conjurations tiers. There are recipes, a guided meditation, podcast bonuses, and more!

Monthly Magic
Every month

Members of the Monthly Magic tier get access to the Marco Polo group, the Crepuscular Conjurations private facebook group, 3 years-worth of monthly spells (and every month I add a new one), plus samples of the offerings in the CrepCon tier like exclusive videos, guided meditations, recipes, printable downloads, and more.

Crepuscular Conjurations
Every month

This is the good stuff. CrepCon members get access to the Marco Polo group, the Crepuscular Conjurations private facebook group, 4 seasons-worth of podcast bonus perkisodes, 3+ years of monthly spells, printable journal and coloring pages, recipes, guided meditations, and exclusive videos. And you never know when I'll come with something new- this is the tier that will get it first!